Tel Aviv, Israel

A Figure In A Moment of Time

A Mystery Story about the Moon and Other Questions
By Gal Chapski
It's a day that is also a night in the life of a woman who is also a child. Our protagonist steps out in the morning, like every morning, heading to her work. But this morning, in the midst of the tube station, she lets out a scream that echoes in the ears. As she awakens, she attempts to carry on with her daily routine as if nothing happened, making her way to work, as though nothing happened at all.
A Play by: Gal Chapski // Directing and Scenography: Roee Joseph // Actors: Daria Gilat Brener, Edward Suslovich, Amir Assulin, Tal Sade, Shir Bernstein, Emanuel Damidov, Adva Levi // Video: Shahar Katsenstein // Lighting Design: Yair Segal // Sound Design: Gal Chapski // Artistic Guidance: Noa Nassie // Assistant Directors: Adi Shwarzman and Yizhar Adler // Artistic Management: Yehezkel Lazarov